Togetherness Builds Stronger Relationship


Thursday, September 19, 2013



Monday, September 16, 2013



本会自2012年起设立表扬晋汉省华小对发扬赏识教育的贡献,作出有目共睹的表现的学校团体,特设赏识教育UPSR三年杯以供学校团体参赛。其宗旨: () 激励晋汉省内更多华小加入赏识教育行列,并发扬光大;() 缔造一个充满爱心、快乐 、轻松、无抱怨的学习环境,进而培养出懂得赏识自己、赏识别人、品学兼优及爱国的好公民。

 本会也从今日起,凡是有关学校的校长或老师曾参加赏识教育讲座会、工作坊等赏识教育活动的单位, 并认同及实行赏识教育理念之学校皆可参赛,截止日期是 2013928日,中午12时正。逾期者恕不受理。得奖学校名单及颁奖日期将在本地各大华文报章或本会部落格 公布 。本会将不另行通知。得獎学校將於5/10/13之砂拉越曽丘() 公会主办之一场教育讲座会上, 获颁发有关奬品。

 本会“赏识教育UPSR三年杯”参赛表格必须在本会的网站上下载。为避免邮寄之延误,有关参赛学校将填妥之表格于928日前传真至 082-338873 或电邮至

欲詢詳请, 請联络主席曾瑞明(016 888 1558) 或副秘书丘小洲(016 884 1373 )

Sarawak State Anthem(砂捞越州歌),

History : Kingdom Of Sarawak - State Anthems
from various sources

State Anthem 1
Gone Forth Beyond the Sea was the anthem of the Kingdom of Sarawak. It was composed in 1872 by Ranee Margaret Brooke, in honour of Rajah Charles Brooke and was in use until the Kingdom was ceded to the United Kingdom in 1946. The tune of this anthem is identical to the post 1946 anthem, Fair Land Sarawak.

Gone forth beyond the sea,
To clime... as yet unknown,
Where calls are made for thee,
To bear the sword and crown.

Advance, God speed, to save,
Creatures in jungles deep,
God's hand shall help the brave,
Tho'man's may rest in sleep,
Let Justice signalise,
And ev'..ry voice resound,
Who by the Eastern crown'd.

Tho'past and gone in light,
Thy name is still renownd,
 And as a chief in might,
Thy deeds are ever crown'd,
Let echoing vales redound,
By mountain, crag and nook,
Sing loud with joyous sound,
God Bless the Rajah Brooke.

State Anthem 2
Fair Land Sarawak was the state anthem of Sarawak, alongside "God Save the King/Queen" from 1946 (post handover) until 1973,where it was replaced with new anthem,"Sarawak Bahagia". The lyricist was F.C Ogden. The tune is from the previous Gone Forth Beyond The Sea, but revised and arranged by George R. K. Freeth in 1963.

Fair Land Sarawak
We will never cease to honour thee
and with our loyal sons
Defend your liberty

From your high forest hills,
Down to the open sea
May freedom ever reign
Men Live in Unity

Proudly our Flag flies high
above our Country Strong and Free
Long may our People live
in Peace and harmony

State Anthem 3
Sarawak Bahagia (1973-1988)
Gubahan Muzik dan Senikata (Music and Lyrics) = Johari Salleh AMN, AMP

Sarawak negeriku berdaulat merdeka
Rakyatnya hidup teguh bersatu padu
Semua berazam terus berkhidmat pada negara
Sentiasa maju pertiwi
Bahagialah tanah airku
Sarawak negeri yang ku cinta ku puja
Untukmu ku rela berkorban jiwa raga
Abadikan Sarawak ya tuhan dalam Malaysia

State Anthem 4 (until now)
Ibu Pertiwiku (English: My Motherland) is the official state anthem of Sarawak, East Malaysia. The song was adopted in 1988, alongside the adoption of the new State Flag as well, in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of Sarawak's Independence within Malaysia. The Music were composed by Late Dato' Haji Wan Othman, a famous Sarawak songwriter, and the lyrics were written by Ismail Hassan.

Sarawak Tanah Airku
Negeriku Tanah Airku Sarawak
Engkaulah tanah pusakaku
Tanah tumpah darahku
Ibu pertiwiku

Rakyat hidup mesra dan bahagia
Damai muhibah sentiasa
Bersatu, Berusaha, Berbakti
Untuk Sarawak kucintai

Sarawak dalam Malaysia
Aman makmur Rahmat Tuhan Maha Esa
Kekallah Sarawak bertuah
Teras perjuangan rakyat
Berjaya berdaulat

Collections of Hari Malaysia 50th Anniversary 16 Sept 2013


 14 Agongs of Malaysia
 6 PM of Malaysia
6 State heads of Sarawak